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Old 05-18-2008, 05:30 AM   #6
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Re: How do you afford it?

What money I have after bills and the wife and my two little girls take I spend on parts, may be $20 bucks a month, may be $200, just depends on how busy we are at work. I am a rock driller and blaster so the more construction that goes on around here, the more I get to drill and blast, the more I get to work, the bigger my checks are. My truck gets parts, they may not be shiney or chrome, but they are better than whats on it before. And I do all my own work, weather I know how to or not. I try everything myself. Sometimes its cheaper than paying someone elso to do it and you learn a little bit along the way.
1969 4x4
Nothing beats a good rock drill and some dynamite
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