Just want to report on the things I have been working on.
I started my truck today, or rather, tried to start it. The damn battery was dead again. I guess messing with the stereo while not running the engine killled it again. A quick charge with the charger and it fired right up. Set the timing to 15 BTDC.
The repair MSD did, fixed the buzzing I had with it. Great.
The shift light stayed on all the time. Not great. Figured out I had it wired wrong. With the 6AL, you have to hook it up different. Fixed it and it works right now. Great.
Took the tranny pan and had another fitting brazed in yesterday. It don't leak now. Great. I cleaned it real good before putting it back on last night. After it was on and the truck on the ground again. and filled with fluid, I see the damn magnet laying on my work bench. Not great. Had to drain the fluid again, but I drained it back into the bottles because it was new and didn't want to throw it away. Thank goodness for the drain plug I installed long ago. Got it back on. Great.
No leaks on the new braided tranny cooler hoses, fittings, or new tranny cooler. Great.
Still need to permanently fix the shift light wiring and hook up the vac gauge, but everything is back to normal.
So far everything is working and no leaks.

I plan on tinkering some more tomorrow. I'm going to reroute some vac hoses and wiring, etc.
Sometime next week I'm going to go to the muffler shop and have the Summit 3" header collectors welded on my exhaust. I'm going to have them welded before the cat, back to back, so I can unbolt them and remove the cat.
Don't you just love it when you get all the little bugs worked out on things like this?