I got a set of rear wrangler coils, just got them on today
here is before
and after
another before
couple more afters
It was quite a biotch to get the original spring bolts out, ended up breaking 3 out of 4 bolts and grabbed the port-a-band and cut the coils out so i could use the impact on the upper bolts. my pass. side bolt was rusted pretty solid in the arm, so the head just twisted off, lots of fun, these arms are one heck of a rust trap

I put new shock all around, and let me tell you the ride is night and day difference. After my sons and i got it all back together, the wife kids, including the dog

, and I went for a ride in the country

all of my old shocks were plum wore out. it had coil overs in the rear and would bounce like crazy.
I know, I know, the rear is lower than the front, but i ran out of time, and since I sold my 1990 k1500 to my bro in law, this is my DD and I have to work tomorrow

tomorrow after work I am going to cut the front coils

i will keep y'all posted