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Old 05-20-2008, 11:12 PM   #1
68,69 K20
They call me the Breeze...
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Angry My parts rig......Gone....

Not sure where to put this rant, so mods feel free to move it...

Left work early today, wasn't feeling good, decided to go home and rest.
On the drive home I go by where my parts Blazer is located......GONE.....
I knew instantly where it was....the auto scrapper....
So, I find the PO, which happens to be a good friend of mine, tell him whats up...he goes to investigate...I'm still waiting to hear back from him.

Positive it was crushed, there has been a big price jump for scrap here, and everyone and their brother has been hauling any old rusty thing they can find to the scrapper. And it happens to sit semi close to other junk cars that I noticed have been taken also. Worst thing is I was getting ready to move it next week to my Dad's where my other crap is at

Now don't get me wrong, after stripping it of it's usefull parts, this was headed to scrap anyway, it is a total POS, other than a few parts...Ask vtblazer, he saw it in person.

Sorry for the long rant, but I'm super pissed right now...thought I could lean on you guy's for support...I will post back when I hear back from my buddy, but it doesn't look good. What the!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

69 K20

"Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy"....Ben Franklin
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