Thread: Cam for 305 TBI
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Old 05-21-2008, 02:10 AM   #1
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Cam for 305 TBI

I have a 1987 chevy r10. I need to replace the condenser, and while I'm at it, the radiator is weak so I'm installing a new radiator. The truck smokes on startup so I am also going to be installing new valve seals. Since I have to remove the radiator and condenser, and will be installing new valve seals, I was juggling around with the idea of adding a mild cam. I have read that the TBI computer does not respond well to radical cams. I'm looking for something that give a nice mild idle lope, and good low end performance. Is there a cam anyone can recommend? The truck is a 2wd, 700r4, dual exhaust, and has some highway gears (assuming 3.08 or possibly higher like a 2.73).
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