Thread: Rant!
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Old 05-21-2008, 04:01 AM   #3
Fraser Beatty
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Re: Rant!

It sure does feel good to's gunna be "fun" retrieving the truck tomorrow. We don't have a car trailer, which means if we were to bring the truck home ourselves we would have to tow it with a chain/rope. But since my 83 isn't on the road right now we don't have a good enough vehicle to tow with. Plus it's way down around Glencoe area, a bit of a drive from our place in Sarnia (rougly 65 miles from our place to the truck). Looks like we're going to have to foot a massive tow truck bill
1961 GMC 930- SOLD
1979 GMC C35 Single Wheel Camper Special- SOLD
1980 GMC C25 Camper Special- SOLD
1983 Chevrolet C10- SOLD
1983 Chevrolet Camaro- SOLD
1985 GMC C1500 (Dad's truck)
1985 GMC C3500 Crew Cab Dually- TRADED FOR 61 GMC
1997 Dodge Ram 1500 V6 Shortbox- Daily Driver
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