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Old 02-01-2003, 01:59 AM   #1
Garage Queen Material
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friend wants to drop his 72'

my friend has a 72' lwb and he wants to lower it. he told me today that he decided on a 3/4 to make his truck look like this one. he wants to put 3" drop coils in the front and 4" of drop blocks in the back.

i'm not sure about this, but can you use drop blocks on the back of the rear setup of his truck?

i've been trying to talk him into spending the money to do it right and get spindles and new coils or coilovers in the rear.

oh i should mention that i'm pretty sure he has a coil rearend, but not 100% positive.

i also told him he should get new shocks, but said that he has some stock lenght rancho shocks that are pretty new that he will use.
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