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Old 05-23-2008, 03:14 AM   #1
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Caliper Bolts? - 2.5 drop kit

Hi All,

I have a set of Mcguaghy 2.5" dropped spindles on my '86 GMC 1/2 ton. I bought the "HD" brake rotors and Calipers as required, but now the caliper bolts seem too short.

I went to the "good" parts store today, and all indications are that Chevy/GMC used the same bolts for all their calipers, even for the HD applications (even 8400+ GVW). We couldn't find any that were 1/2" to 3/4" inch longer than what my truck came with, which seems to be the difference between the new HD calipers and the old ones. Anybody experience this during their swaps?

other BIG project:
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