Springfield Ohio Swap meet this weekend
Anyone going? Jamie72, Blazer Gal and I will be set up at spots EE 36-37 so stop on by in you decide to go. Started looking into my barn pile and came up with 9, yes NINE Tach Dash clusters----how and why is beyond me but---3 are Tach/Vac dash's, 1 is a Tach/Air pressure Dash, and the rest are the basic models only one has the white face conversion. I guess it's like collecting base ball cards and liking one player so you buy them whenever you see them and before long, you have 10 Barry Bonds!!!!
So what will we have for sale at the meet you ask??----stepside fenders, stepside tailgate, sun visors, seat belts, trim, 4x4 motor cradle, new blue carpet for low hump, new blue bucket seat covers for 71-2, blazer hatch lifts, blazer carpet trim, blazer rear spare swing away mount, blazer interior spare mount, and oh yea, did I mention I had a tach dash for sale!! hehehe
some of this stuff will be offered for sale on the board after the meet but the big stuff is too much of a pita to ship so I prefer local sales.
The meet is right off the interstate so it's easy on--easy off. Opens at 7 am on Friday and runs till Sunday but Sunday is ususally a bust so ~~~.
Come on by, hang out a while. With GAS over $4. a gallon, this may be one of the last swap meets I do till the board meet in Tenn.
I'm goin to vote for who ever promises "under penality of impeachment"--to lower the gas prices!!