Re: Graduate in 5 days going out with a bang!
well i got pulled over a few weeks ago in my "noisy truck" by a officer in a undercover darango. & he came over & started chewing me up one side & down the other for how fast i was going how i changed lanes unsafely & how that i was driving soooo unsafe in "rush hour" traffic. i too thought well this will be interesting to explain to the wife! after what seemed like about an hour he came back & said that i have 2 choices: either listen to his little speal about slowing down or i can get a couple of tickets, needless to say i took the first option & just signed the warning. the funny thing about it was that after i signed & he was "done" he said that he pulled me over because i looked like a young kid in a reckless & unsafe "old beat truck" when he got behind me. i told him that i just got this on the road a few months ago & that it has 4 wheel disk brakes & everything but the body is new & late model equipment! he looked at the truck & then he had me show him the engine & he just laughed & sad to take care & then he went on his way.... i just thought for a few minutes & then said ooookkkkaayyy!!! just thought i would share tooo......