Geez, y'all are awesome! You've given me more info to work with in two days than I've been able to *pry* out of well meanin' friends in the past YEAR!!! I tried t' post a pic of *the new man in my life*(aka, Da Truck--cuz that's where all my attention is goin' but ran into difficulties with it......they said pic size was too large and needed to be less than 640 x 0 ... 0? what's up with that? Anyway, to answer the "?", it's a 350, auto., 3/4 ton, 12" Superlift and what "used to be" 40" Mud Country tires (the weather has taken its toll there, too). But, bein' the persistant person that I am....I'll "bring it back to life" if I hafta do it from my flippin' rockin' chair!!!!!!!