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Old 05-25-2008, 06:25 AM   #23
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Re: Hacked Dash Option's?

Originally Posted by hotrodkev View Post
Your right....I don't get why in the hell someone would put a piece of aluminum plate to hold 2 toggle switches and a sticker. Just a little welding and paint could have looked so much better....

Way to introduce yourself to the site noob. He's going with practical, not pretty. As VTBlazer said, "you don't get it." The rig he built this for is his wheeling rig....switches within easy reach, room for more, etc. I doubt he has a lot of use for a radio while he's rock crawling.

If you'd taken the time to read some of his other threads, you'd see that he's already built one beautiful, original style cruiser, and has made great progress on the body work for a resto-rod K5. I'm sure a nice clean dash, complete with a factory looking radio is part of the plans.

Sell your truck that you've "sunk too much money into" and move on.
- AJ

Gray Matter Build - 1972 K5 with some stuff
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