Well, today was a busy day. Christy and I got up just a bit after 4 this morning so we could be on the road just after 5 to head to Rogersville Tn. It was about a 4hr drive with the C10 in the wind! We spent the day hanging out with a handful of board members and checking out the awesome grounds at Memory Lane as well as the monstrous number of cars in attendance. Of course the trip home was a bit longer after a brief detour for a parts pickup attempt in Knoxville (Hi David!

) and a Worthless delivery in Cleveland. Needless to say......I'm Beat!!! After reviewing my pics from today I think I only have pics of 16 complete cars. Everything else is just details of this or that that I thought was interesting. It's not that the cars weren't there (I was there at 9:30 in the morning and my number was 434) I guess I just tried to shoot things that just really caught my eye. So I guess I'll save the pics I took today for another week when I don't have anything significant to share.
So....Mr Kaylor said I have the go ahead to share some Maggie Valley pics with you (and they've been requested by a lot of you

) So let's get started!
I've always wanted to stop and shoot a pic of this sign and finally took the time to do it! Note the amenities....Remote cable TV! Electric heat and air conditioning!
For some reason I never ended up with a pic of the front of this truck. It was purchased new by the owners father and I think he said he has spent the last 15 yrs and 50K rebuilding it.
It had real wood (not tape) in the lower moldings.
Another nice one.