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Old 05-26-2008, 11:12 AM   #49
high-Tech Red Neck
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Re: The Boss Hoss, 72 C/30, 454, DUALLY!

So tonight was another late night, I got a ton done on the truck. I got out to my shop about sunset, got all setup this is about what it looked like.

There was a huge chunk of 1/4" plate that made up the bulkhead on the large box that I cut out to make room for the welder, finally tonight I got it cut out, I have been fighting the damn thing for 3 days, it is one thing to just rip something out, but when you need to do it so as that you can leave everything else around it in tact, well it takes one hell of a lot longer! I think this piece fought me more than any other I have ever had to remove. I couldn't just go grab a torch because I couldn't risk destroying other parts of the bed if the kerf blew out.

So I got that all done, and with that the destruction phase was over, through the course of all of this I removed the large header box and the headache rack attached to it, I also removed the duck tail spoiler that was glassed onto the back of the cap, it was holding in water and created quite the rust garden underneath.

Luckily 99% of the rust is surface rust and the cab is still very well in tact, I am going to get it all cleaned up, some primer and paint on it, and get all the holes filled, and the dents pulled, I am guessing he used about 2 gallons of bondo to make that damn thing and the wing was hollow! It is going to be a chore, but compared to what other people have had to do their cabs, I really don't have a lot to complain about.

Shortly after getting setup and getting the bastard plate out, I got to work grinding up the boxes that are remaining for the time being.

I recorded a video of me welding the plate up. Enjoy

I also had this damn song stuck in my head all night.

I have a longer video that will be 4 or 5 10 or so minute clips of me welding that plate into the end of the box, also in the morning once I am up and moving I will get pics of it welded in place.

Hopefully tomorrow I will have the other side welded up and the welder mounted on the truck!
"He used to be a pretty nice feller, now he's a welder!"
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