Thanks guys!
All these pics were shot with my Kodak Easyshare Z712IS. Point and shoot fellas, I just get lucky and get a few that turn out OK from time to time!
The blue truck was trailered but with all that bling I wouldn't have expected it any other way. The truck was super nice as was the owner. He seemed to really enjoy showing it along with his father who had purchased it new.
Tim , I know what you mean about the SSr's being in good shape.

I heard a lot of mixed opinions about them being there but they are quite a group of enthusiasts. They've taken cars that are out of most peoples budget (if not due to the price alone it's just the fact that they're an impractical vehicle to drive everyday) and customized them and made them their own. Yeah, some of em are gaudy and if they were given to me the first thing I would do is slap a for sale sign on them and spend the cash on something else. Some of the others are spot on! These guys also seem to have a real sense of camaraderie and good attitudes to boot. I didn't see em walking around downing the other ones in an effort to make their own look better. It seemed that they were all each others friends. I can also give em props for not running for the trailers every time a few rain drops fell.

Like it or not their attendance and subsequent income for the show the last couple of years has probably helped keep the show going.
My wife and I kinda have a running joke that you have to be a man over the age of 50 to own a SSR.

That's about all that you see driving them around here. I guess they're trying to avoid the Corvette crisis stigma.