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Old 05-27-2008, 08:14 AM   #7
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Re: 78 seats in a 70

Originally Posted by woodymm3 View Post
anyone know if the 78 front and rear seats will mount up in a 70 blazer. i am looking at a nice set of seats on the cheap if they do. also what about the roll bar from that year will it mount u as well. i dont know what the big changes were from those years. any help would be aprecieated.
I own a '71 Blazer I'm fixing, and I've parted '76 and '80 Blazers. I've tried the '76 and '80 Blazer seats (front and rear) in mine:

Front seats: '73-'77 are low back, '78-up are high back; driver's side brackets are the same, passenger's side only differ on the style of the release handle for folding the seat forward. Neither year grouping brackets are interchangable with '69-'72 (different mounting pattern to floor and different height). I currently have the '80 high backs mounted to '69-'72 brackets in my Blazer, but clearance to fold the passenger side forward is very tight due to the shorter cowl area on the '69-'72.

Rear seats: '73-'77 are fixed and look similar to '69-'72 but have a completely different mounting pattern. '78-up are the "fold and tumble" style which requires the reshaped floor pan of the '78-ups to work properly.

Roll bars: Factory '73-'75 roll bars mount behind the front seats and look like they will fit '69-'72 (mine is from a '74 but I haven't had time to try it, yet). Factory '76-up (half top hardtop) mount back by the tailgate; will not fit my '71 due to more angle of the '69-'72 rear hatch.

Short answer to your question is the seats are okay, but the brackets are dead wrong for your '70.
'05 Chevy 2500HD 4x4
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'71 Blazer 4x4 driver
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