Thread: fram
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Old 05-29-2008, 09:08 PM   #1
the pollock
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Location: abilene, texas
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went to remove a fram oilfilter form my 350
oilfilterwrench = no mas
strap wrench = nope
skrewdriver = filter is no longer existing
spanner wrench on the filter plate it self with a whole lot of me put into it
filter finally spins off
and the one peice one LITTLE peice of metal left on the filter politley removes the end of my finger
it's been 2 months, i have most feeling back but a cute letter "m" acrsoss my fingertip from the stiches
stupid fram mostl likely stupid PO over torquing it but i blame fram
Jack of ALL trades, Master of none.. (but one... procrastination)
Army vet 02-08
RIP El Jay! Miss you brother!
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