Thread: 6 cylinder mpg
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Old 05-29-2008, 09:53 PM   #9
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Re: 6 cylinder mpg

Originally Posted by rizick View Post
thanks my truck apparently is the 250. the motor mounts are across from each other and the valve covers are only 4" high.
Thanks for the reply about overdrive transmission but putting in an overdrive transmission is more than I would be prepared to tackle, fuel economy is not a major consideration but I do give it some consideration now that I am leaning toward making this my daily driver, I will be looking for ways to improve fuel economy, a friend says 15" tires are more fuel efficient then 16" and snow tires are fuel hogs. I would not have thought of that one.
I was doing some research in my book and found out that the best tires for a 2wd c10 for our year is a 15" if its a 4wd you're supposed to go with 17". If you are going with a larger tire and want good gas mileage for it, you will have to change the gear ratio accordingly.
How can you tell if its a boy or a girl?
Guess we'll have to roll it over to find out!
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