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Old 02-02-2003, 01:16 PM   #4
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they are made of oem parts that have as close to perfect fit as you can find from the 50 or so set that i went throught with all the sheetmetal work done so there is no prep work except for you to get them ready for paint .these fender will need to be prep in the smae way that you would for fiber glass. the first set of part were made to see how they would fit and they were right on they also wanted me to see how strong they were so the twisted up the fender and i was spechles no crack it just bound back they said it was do to the polymer then they had this guy jump up and down on the hood he weight 300#s and it came right back the company that I am working with is vis racing check out there ad in the new truckin mag o by the way i will be getting the patant rights for this.
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