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Old 05-31-2008, 07:21 AM   #36
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Re: Headlight Relay Upgrade

I did this conversion a long time ago to my old '76 C30. It works great. I did it not too long ago to my '69. This time I placed the relays(like 2.50 each from O'rielies) on the inner fender and ran 2 power wires from my secondary fuse panel($13, from O'rielies) I powered that from a 10ga from the junction block. It also powers my electric fan, and I can't think what elese. It looks neat and organized. I just cut the factory wiring right about where the relays are. I took the wire from the switch and went to the relay and the other side to the lights. I have thought about incresing the size of the wires to the lights but they are much brighter and the right is no less bright than the left, that is like 1ft away from the relay, so there isn't power drop. I haven't checked with volt gage, don't have one might get one...

The relays on the inner fender.

The wires in aftermarket loom, I like sprial loom better. The screw in the middle is for the ground.

Notice the anti-freeze jug? Thats my radiator overfill, 3/8 hose from the rad. Notice the collection of paper towels, LOL

The sub fuse panel, it has 6 slots.

Ran the power wires out thru the firewal. Then between inner fender and outer fender.

Ohi the lovely crapy blue over paint by the P.O. uggg, I love the original orange... And the rust ugh. Some time I at least need to sand and paint it so it does not rust...
'69 Chevy C10
400sb-350 crank 400 destroker!!! 377
2.02 dart pro1 alum.heads
msd, holley db
hooker pro-comps-3in exh.
3 spd. saginaw-3.73posi
Flat Bed...want Reg bed...trades?
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