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Old 06-02-2008, 11:18 AM   #7
Barrito Loco Diablo
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Re: Kustom Taillights? just an idea.

Originally Posted by Sammy View Post
There is a guy not far from here who took a early 60's GTO say 67 or so which he has owned since new. Turned the inside completely around seats steering column dash everything. It was in a magazine hotrod as he had the proof there. You sit in it and your facing the tailights & drive it that way. It was pro-street or something. Point is why would you screw up a good looking T/L? Step maybe but not a fleet.
I wouldn't "screw" the lights up. A proper customizing will enhance the appearance, which is what i intend to do. Believe me, there will be a whole lot of thought and preparations before any harsh decisions are made. I wouldn't chance it if i thought it might end up looking stupid or wrong. The factory did a great job of designing these trucks, i just wanna help make mine look even better.
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