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Old 02-02-2003, 10:38 PM   #1
Finally a Bulldawg
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Wiring bonehead needs help with CD player install

Ok, I've got the speakers all ready to go, I just now have to wire up the player. It's a Pioneer DEH-P20 and I just need help finding where to wire it to. There's a red and a yellow wire coming out of the back of the player, yellow marked as battery and red marked as ACC. Now, I look behind my dash and see a lot of wires and I don't know where these two wires should be hooked up to, so if anyone can give me some help(color of wires I can hook into or at least some really good locations) then I could have this thing installed in no time.
Ah yes, the college life. School all morning, work all night, study when ya can. Uh...
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