Originally Posted by Fred T
He didn't try welding the box on the frame?
Seriously, let me ask some questions about what you have done. I think I am seeing an unwelded crack in your repair. If so, take off the new box and fix it now. Drill a hole at the very end of the crack, then bevel the edges and weld on both sides.
Also, are the plates under the box sitting flat against the frame? If not, grind the welds while you have things apart.
I would also recommend either welding the plates to the frame or locally boxing the frame. If you box, leave things open enough to unbolt the steering gear.
I would also give a lot of thought toward sending the frame out for straightening before mounting any sheet metal.
Yes - the plate was welded to the frame. The spot you're pointing to is a slightly ground down weld. The plate under the box is very snug against the frame - and the one on the other side is pretty snug. I could probably do more grinding to flush it up more. I do plan on welding the plates to the frame, but hadn't thought about boxing the frame there - which is a good idea, and I'll probably do that too.
I've measured the frame front and back and it is pretty square - for such an old truck. All my measurements were within a 1/4" or so, and only in a couple of places was that far off. Not sure what the factory tolerances were, but I bet it's close. I may have it looked at anyway, just to be sure.
Thanks for the comments.