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Old 02-03-2003, 12:41 AM   #1
Longhorn Man
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Fuel filter info...

I was just reading a back dated Car Craft mag, and they did an article on fuel filters. I normally skip over the simple tech stuff, but since we just had a few threads on this, I wondered if there was something we could all learn.
There was.
Fuel boils at a very low temp. Most of us know bout this...vapor lock bothers many of us in the warmer months. Well, placeing a fuel filter before the mechnical pump can aggravate this condition.
If you reduce the pressure on any given fluid, the boiling point is lowered. So that means that the fuel in the line, between the tank and pump, is already under lower pressure. Vacume produced by the pump is sucking it alon.
Well, if you place a restiction in the a are increasing the amount of force required to pull the fuel through. This reduces the boiling temp of the fuel.
Acording to Car Craft, and there sources, you should not have the filter south of the pump.
It all makes so much sence when it is spoken.
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