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Old 06-04-2008, 07:39 AM   #3
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Re: The DRAG CAR that started it all for me

Originally Posted by wild one View Post
Well, this might make some laugh or cringe, but for me it was a movie : Funny Car Summer! I saw that on t.v. as a kid and collected every hotwheel and matchbox funny car I could find. Those hotwheels led to interest in American iron which led me to hotrod then race almost every rear wheel drive vehicle I have ever owned (motorcycles included).
Before I was even old enough to drive and get to the drags I had an attraction to hot rods & customs. I remember reading Rod & Custom when it was the size of a TV guide. Loved the Model T hot rod on the TV show "77 Sunset Strip" and built all the model car kits I could get my hands on. Amazingly, one I still have is a '40 Willys coupe which reflects how much & for how long I have loved "gassers".

The closest thing I have come to owing one was when I bought a '40 Chevy coupe... with a 283 sbc Chevy punched out to 301ci Edelbrock HiRise maniford, Stellings & Hellings air cleaner, THRUSH "shorty" mufflers, Mallory Ignition, Keystone 5 spoke mags, Hurst shifter (3 on floor)

The stock Chevy "knee action" front suspension was "very light" and as soon as you'd punch it the frontend would fly upwards & max-out..... made the car "feel" faster than it really was.

I had a GREAT time with that car. I was making the street /strip scene while most others were driving the first muscle cars. (early-mid 70's) That's how I got the nickname "Milner". My drag racing buddies always teased me about driving an older hot rod rather than a newer "factory" high performance car.

I also got into motorcycles back then but ony as a cheap way to get around back before I was old enough to afford a car. Over the years I still "liked" motorcycles but my interests were still primarily in the "car scene". Then about 10 years ago got interested in "bikes" again & started riding, then building some. Now I'm having issues with my "neck" .... surgery on the way in the near future... so my riding days will be over soon.

So it's back to the "hot rods".... back to where "I started from".
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John aka "Milner"
PA-IndianRider - Pittsburgh, PA
70 Chevy C10 Stepside
"Gasser/Altered Drag Race Hot Rod"
Where were You in '62 ?

Last edited by PA-IndianRider; 06-04-2008 at 07:50 AM.
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