Chopper mac, your a man after my own heart.I too built a 68 one ton duelly flatbed.If you stay with 85 or older running gear it will bolt right in.Some minor e-brake cable adjustments are about all you need.You can also use newer running gear but you will have to move the spring purches to match you truck.The late model stuff is too narrow. As far as a power plant I'm using a mild 454 chevy.About 450hp and 620ftlbs according to the dyno.I get about 10 to the gallon empty,about 8 loaded with hay.About the only way to get better mileage is to go injected or diesel.I hope this helps.
P.S. Welcome to the board!!!! I hope you find these guys as helpful as I have.
71 3/4 ton 4x4,665hp 454.
67 GMC 1 ton towtruck
68 chevy LB 4x4
64 chevy LB custom
57 Bel-air 2d station wagon