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Old 06-06-2008, 10:34 PM   #1
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Redoing the rear bag setup.

Ok, I am wanting to redo my rear set up, and then later z my front to lay my truck out. Like anyone, once you get started, you are only satisfied for a little while. Let me start with what I currently have. The back is bagged on the stock 2link with a bolt in notch and adj. panhard bar from CCP. I want to get the truck on down where it will lay frame i the rear. Im running 20s all around, with 275/45 rubber on it--tires are 29 inches tall, so I can eventually move up to 22s

Now, I know I will need a bigger notch. KP has one for our trucks, and actually so does suicidedoors. Both fit the crooked ass frame we have on these trucks. I know that the one from suicude doors is a little cheaper. It is a 16 piece kit though.

My questions:

--How many pieces is the KP notch? I would rather use a notch that was not a ton of pieces. Just to save time on welding and grinding to make it all purdy

--I want to run a triangulated 4 link with the bags on the bars. Something like this:http://www.*****************/SuperLliftWishboneKit.php
or this http://www.*****************/SuperLif...d4-LinkKit.php
My question is does anyone have experience with either of these setups, and how long were your bars? Or should i jus tnotch it out and relocate my bags over the axel and use the stock 2 link?

--Also, my truck has a one piece driveshaft, and is a shortbed. I have been told you have to run a 2 piece or tunnel the cab. I dont want a body drop or anything, so is this really necessary?

Thanks for the help in advance guys. I know that I will get some great ideas from the members on here. Also, pics are a plus if you have them!
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