Parts found
I have found a guy who makes trips to texas to bring back rust free 67-72 metal. I am looking to restore my truck so I called him and asked him about prices.
He said he has a pair of doors, rust free and complete for $200
Also he has a bed that is rust free but was damaged while loading. I am sure it can be straightened. He said he popped most of it out by placing a bar in there and popping it back out. He is wanting $350 for it. He says he normally gets $500-$600 for his beds, but beings this one is damaged, he wants to get rid of it.
By the way I am taking body classes and continuing to improve my bodywork skills, so I think this is a good opprotunity to fix up my truck rather reasonably.
Are these good prices?
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1998 Yamaha V-Star 650
1970 Chevy 3/4t, I6 (rebuilt), 4 speed