I've heard a couple of different ways of clamping;
Use regular body clamps,
Use sheetmetal screw and grind them off when you're done,
Use rivets instead of screws. Not like I'm a salesman for Eastwood or anything but from that writeup in Classic Trucks, they have a dimpling tool (which I'm sure could be home-made) that you use once you've drilled the holes for the rivets or the screws. That way there's a metal spike going through the panels every few inches.
As for the butt vs lap method; usually the write ups say just pick a spot that it's going to be less conspicuous to overlap the pieces and use kitty-hair as a filler but I've been thinking that if a person were to take a strip of metal a couple of inches wide to span the gap between the panels, you could usse that as a backing and it would make for a more invisible patch. (Holy run-on sentence, batman!) Again, referring to that article...that apparently works.
No such thing as a stupid question, right?