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Old 06-11-2008, 09:36 AM   #1
1970 Daily Driver
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Speedometer Converter

I am running a NV3500 trany in my 70 Chevy. It has a electronic pulse speedo sender that does not work with my trucks original mechanical speedo. I ran into a guy a year ago that builds gauges and gauge calibration tools for some of the bigger auto and aeronautical companies. I have been checking in on an electrical to mechanical conversion module that he has been working on for the last year or so. He has just informed me that it is about a month or so from being complete. I was thinking there might be some guys with the same problem I have and would be interested in the same product. When I talked to him last I told him about the site and asked if a group discount would be possible. He said because I have been following this project from the beginning and because I am on his short list that he would work out a discount worth our while if we got enough guys to order. So let me know if you are interested. I am not making any money or in any way connected with the product. I just want to help any one out that has the same problem I have had for the last 3 years not having a speedo or odometer. I will email him today and have him send me the product info to post.
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