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Old 06-12-2008, 12:43 PM   #2
Old Heap Driver
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Newport News, Va
Posts: 2,643
Re: If I only had the money....

Tell the co-worker to give you the truck or you'll narc him out for stealing from the company. Make something up, do whatever you have to. You can get other friends, finding a truck in good shape can be a real challenge.

'99 Silverado 1500, 4.3, 5-speed, reg cab, short bed
'50 Chevy 2DR Hard Top, 350/350, M2 Front End, 3:08 gear, cruiser.
'40 F**d Sedan, all Chevy power, Heidt's front end, TCI rear, nice driver.
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