Originally Posted by toomanytoyz
1st of All, Not Much could be Picked at with Your Build, You Did an outstanding Job with it & the Quality Show's, Of Course that is Just my Opinion................
Any Luck working Thing's out on the Homefront? It's a Sad Testimony to the Time's we are Living Now, Just Don't know who you can Trust...........
ACK! Quality must now show too much as the highest bid was $5100.00. I have always believed that fixing up old cars, unless you keep them 100% orginal it is very hard to sell them as the person who is buying it has to love the custom choices you have made. I guess orange is not everyones color, although I cannot imagine why...
I'm offended. Time for a beer...
Btw Rick, thanks!
Current build.
1954 Chevrolet 3800 "Ella" SOLD!
My '67 stepper
"Tangerine Dream"
"Anything worth doing is worth doing right"
James Dean
“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
Sherlock Holmes
"There is no spoon." Neo