Re: Finally got word from PullinTV
Actually, that was a typo, I've been meaning to correct that,, the truck with 12 gallons of fuel weighs 3380 add my 190 for 3570 total. The hood and front fenders are US Bodyworks 'street' grade fiberglass. Maybe 20 or so pounds lighter than the original, but this stuff is HEAVY for fiberglass. I couldn't find good original fenders when I built it, so,,,, US bodysource had the answer. I made inner fender panels from 0.083" aluminum, and the bed is from the same sheet of .083 except for the Alston supplied 0.035 aluminum wheel tubs. No heater (last thing you need in Az) , windshield wipers are dummy's (hey, with those tires you don't drive if it even looks like rain!). A BUNCH of weight went away in the backhalf. I cut the frame in two right behind the cab, and grafted the 2x3 frame rails inside the stubs of the original frame stubs.
I'll have to dig for some pics of the cage install. I went so far as to add horns onto the frame to support the cage uprights (went that far to meet the rules 1/2 way, but tech is picky, it's ALL the way or NO way LOL). The cage is more to support the backhalf frame work, and like you,, the warm and fuzzy of having some extra bars wraped around me. When I built it the rule was 11.99 for a bar, now with NHRA bumping it to 11.49 I'm still plenty safe,, this heap will never make that. Headed to a race this afternoon so I'll see what I can dig up tomorrow and post on the cage install.
Still playin with trucks, even at my age!
When you're dead, it's only a problem for the people around you, because you don't know you're dead.
.....It's kinda the same when your STUPID.
I just did my taxes and reviewed my SS statement. Thanks to the current administration it looks like I will only have to work till noon on the day of my funeral.