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Old 02-04-2003, 10:33 PM   #1
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Posts: 8
Angry Different Shifter Problem (3spd column)

I have looked through a lot of the three speed column shifter threads here, and as Murphy's law would have it, my problem seems to be different than the stuck linkage variety mentioned in those posts.

My problem is that when you don't stay right inside the H- pattern while shifting the arm goes into lala land and you are stuck in first gear. You just need to fiddle with it and get it back into it's normal position and you'll be fine again until you deviate from the H.

I haven't taken anything apart yet or tried to adjust it because I don't want to blindly fix things that may not be broken.

Anybody know if this sounds like a bushing issue or adjustment, other?

Thanks in advance for any direction you may be able to provide

Big Orange Ugly
68 GMC Fleetside 327
3 on the tree and ugly as heck
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