Originally posted by apstguy
How exactly do you pull the top of the door panel off? I can't get the sucker off no matter how hard I try. I don't want to break it though. That would be really bad.
In addition to what Mike is saying, before you do that, make sure you've removed all the screws that hold the panel. They are along the bottom edge and up the sides. There are also 2 inside the door handle/armrest - facing down. I can't recall, but there are approx. 6 or 8 screws in total.
Once you've done that, just do what Mike says. Pull the bottom of the panel slightly out and then push it up to unhook the clips from the window lip along the top of the door. I find it works best if you start on the latch (rear) end of the door and work toward the vent window. It may also help to roll the window down. And don't forget to unscrew your door lock "cap".
Once you do it once, you'll be an expert.
Hope this helps.