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Old 06-23-2008, 06:36 PM   #14
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: Gone a while, back with something "new."

I hate the fact that we have been dissin your truck in this thread. I just looked the thread over and that's what a majority of us (myself included) have been doing.
The reality, is it is a pretty nace truck.
HOWEVER... I HAVE to point something out to you that could cause a HUGE FIRE.
(got your attention?)
I am a fan of the glass fuel filters... many are not. When installed and serviced properly, they are a great tool.
As the engine runs, it vibrates on the metal. BAD IDEA. There is no way to zip tie it tight enough to keep bad things from happening.
I would recomend;
short term, replace that filter with a steel or plastic one.
Long term, replace that stupid rubber hose. It's a fire hazzard in it's self.
If you have the filter spliced into a hard line (cheap and super easy to do) and the line supports the glass filter to where nothing can hoit it, and it can't hit anything.... and you tighten it when everr you service it... then you'll be good to go.
Run it as is for a long time, and you WILL get to meet some firefighters one night.

Like i said, I hate the fact we have been raggin on your rig. It is a nice truck that someone tried to add too much stuff from catalogs... back in the day we called it K-mart rash. None the less, it is 10 times nicer than anything I have ever owned.
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