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Old 06-23-2008, 08:07 PM   #1
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TH400 Fluid Leak.

I had a pig of a day on Sunday, when I took the trans pan off to fit the new gasket, found the filter was hanging loose so I thought it was broke. I posted a video on here... the replies I got said it should be like that and not to I wished I had known there was a filter in there though I would have replaced it, so put it back together and one of the bolts kept spinning as I was tightening...yep! striped the thread on the case so now im posting to find out what kinda Tap & Die set to buy for American cars. Today I let the truck run on the drive for a while to test it at that striped thread point and no fluid leak, so took it on a run and when I got back I left it running an crawled underneath for another look while it was hot and idling it started leaking fluid...but not from the gasket from somewhere up above the two trans fluid cooling lines and running down and dripping off the pan where I thought the leak was to begin with. Very long story short, gasket was fine all along and looks like I got a crack in the Trans case looks like it might be on one of the seams when it gets formed in the mould. So this is the same leak i've had all along and it only happens when the truck has been on a run and then you leave it idiling in park..don't know why it choses that time to leak?.
My chances of finding someone to repair my Trans case here in the UK are slim and none. Im done moaning.

An American living in a British body.

1971 Chevy Cheyenne 10 454

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty" - Thomas Jefferson

No more pain.
03.12.60 -- 12.28.10
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