Originally Posted by jayharrell
well as i always figured, i don't know what I'm talking about. Mine is an overflow hole there, but then again my t400 is a Buick housing. the bolt i was talking about is lower one near the bottom in the center of the pic right under the cooling line holes. Not sure what its for. just stuck in my mind that i had a bolt in the trans i didn't know where it went.
You might have too much fluid in the trany.. Check the level while the motor is running, and after you've sifted it through all the gears while standing still at idle to make sure the trans has spun up all it can handle. If its leaking out that hole after that, then theres too much fluid in it.
You would have been better off not even considering my opinion in the first place. LOL. something my wife has already learned. LOL 
Well Jay at least it was advice of a sort...just the wrong sort

Thanks mate for taking the time.
Originally Posted by Classic Heartbeat
I would remove what is left of that bolt in the case. That is supposed to be the vent tube. Without the vent tube your transmission builds up pressure and has no place to go, so it eventually makes a new place. Usually by blowing a seal or gasket. Here are pictures of the tube. WES
Wes can those breather tubes be bought, and re-installed? Those pics really show clearly what part has been lost on mine, I don't know what the PO was up to but all I keep doing is finding stuff thats missing on my Truck.
Originally Posted by kelsfine69
I agree with Wes dont plug the breather hole/tube. It will just start other problems like he said. I think the only way to replace it is to pull the front pump out. Why it is leaking to start with is the big question. Might be overfull, or something internal. Ther was a GM recall late 80s-90s that you slide a hose over the tube and run it down the side of the tranny so that when or if it got really hot it would puke the trans oil on the ground not on the tranny or exhaust and start a fire.
Overfull may well be the reason, im a bit heavy handed with amounts of anything..especially that stuff that Mr Daniels makes

interesting on the recall though and makes sense to extend that tube. Just wish I had one to extend.
An American living in a British body.
1971 Chevy Cheyenne 10 454
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell
"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty" - Thomas Jefferson
No more pain.
03.12.60 -- 12.28.10