Originally Posted by nhtc33d
I don't' know either  But it does  ! This is the first thing i have "tried" to put bags on and have a lot of success with getting help from the great people on this forum.( insert butt the smooching here  )
Not that I want to insult you or anything, so don't take this wrong, okay.
You say this is the first thing you have "tried" to bag. Is this the first thing you have tried to 4 link as well? What concerns me is, if I am reading what you wrote correctly and from your pictures, the space between the frame notch and top of the axle changes 3" because you raise or lower the front, something does not seem right with this.
Based on all the info I have ever read and all the vehicles I have worked on, this doesn't seem to be working correctly. In my thought, if you air out the rear so it is sitting on the axle, raising or lowering the front should cause it to pivot on the rear tires (actually around the centerline of the rear axle). To me, something in the rear suspension is not setup correctly and rotating the frame (by raising and lowering the front) is putting something in a bind or dermatically changing the rear geometry.
Do you have any more pictures of the whole rear and whole front suspension and a description of what you have done? I just want to make sure something is not totally out of whack and going to cause major harm or damage. Remember, I might be the one next to you on the road when something lets go.