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Old 06-30-2008, 03:45 AM   #18
Restoring a 68 SWB
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Re: Randomhero's 67 build- PART 2

Anyone give me a ballpark at what i'd be looking at paying having my frame powdercoated vs. painted, or is it even worth doing if im not building a "Barret Jackson" truck, i've thought about just spraying it myself, chances are nobody will ever see it seeing as the truck will be about 3" off the ground... I'll tear down the drivers side suspension tomorrow and get pics!
If it's just gonna be a driver then spray it yourself. I read a reply from Rckcrln on another post where he encouraged the guy to wax his frame after painting it so it would be easier to clean up/sprayoff. Thought I would pass that along.
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