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Old 02-06-2003, 02:21 PM   #3
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MIC stuff isnt that great of quality...

i highly suggest going with 3/8" line instead of 1/4". 1/4" is pretty slow... as in youll be waiting for the front to come up, especially if youre using MICs crappy manual 1/4" valves.

also, manaul valves require you to run the airlines into the cab, blah....

most people are running 3/8" valves with 1/2" line (this is optimized) this is a pretty nice system, quick, but definetly not uncontrollably fast. i personnally wouldnt go less the 3/8" line

but honestly, it doesnt get super fast till you have 1/2" valves with 3/4" line.

also consider FBSS, if you just hav FB then you will have air transfer when you take turns since the front bags are tee'd together as well as the backs, by running valves at every corner you eliminate the air transfer, which means better handling and youll have the added benefit of individual control of each corner.

*****************, jason has some good stuff, real good guy., larry will help you with anything, dont go by the prices on the website, call for your needs as he doesnt have everything listed.

Last edited by Dropt72Shortbed; 02-06-2003 at 02:26 PM.
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