Thread: Rare parts?
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Old 07-01-2008, 12:12 AM   #34
upgrading to an older model
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Re: Rare parts?

Just to defend the guy and the main reason I opened this thread up...I think what he's asking is "what parts would you go to a junk yard and look around and say 'holy$hit, I can't believe I just found that!!!!!'"

Kinda an interesting question if you actually THINK about what the guy is asking, instead of spitting out a list of general items people pull off these trucks to resale.

So to rephrase his Q... What would you consider a MAJOR find on a junkyard trip?
68 stepside, short-box, multi-colored (for now)

Last edited by Brock; 07-01-2008 at 12:12 AM.
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