Thread: Rare parts?
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Old 07-01-2008, 10:44 AM   #47
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Re: Rare parts?

Originally Posted by thirdstreettito View Post
Different tone? I have a very calm tone right now. I was basically saying that I want to know what parts are rare and not very easily found etc. Jeeze.
and see thats the thing..people have listed tons of great things, that are hard to find even if they are made aftermarket you cant beat buy original over anything aftermarket..and being these trucks are rotting back to the earth anything on these trucks are rare, some being more rare than others. You cant ask a generalized question and then expect to dissect what people say and say yes or no to what your opinion to what is rare/valuable or whatnot..i mean it almost sounds to me that u want to find the most rare valuable parts then sell em off for a quick buck...i hope thats not ur intentions..its just the way you come off by criticizing people

Last edited by 70cstjr; 07-01-2008 at 10:45 AM.
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