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Old 02-06-2003, 05:20 PM   #1
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Is this a good trade?

I know this is a stupid question but I have to ask. A guy at work has a 12 bolt posi-trac differential(for scottri) w/ 3:73 gears and he is wanting to trade for a holley 650 spread bore carb. that I told him I bought off of E-bay for 50 bucks and it needs a rebuild. Now I know that the posi rear is worth way more than 50 bucks so here's my problem. Should I offer him more because I feel guilty, or should I take it and run even knowing that he is aware that the Holley needs work and his differential (for scottri)is perfect? I know this because he used to work at a transmission shop and he put new clutches in it and it came out of his personal truck.

He says that he really just wants a 650 spread bore because he has a factory aluminum intake and doesnt want to run a quadrajet. I have made trades before that I knew I was giving away too much but because I really wanted the items I was willing to give more, so it's ok to be on the other end right?

I have really been wanting a 3:73 posi because mine is a 3:08 posi right now.

Happy now Scottri?:p
1971 SWB 4X4 Build



Last edited by Gene; 02-06-2003 at 06:45 PM.
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