update on nephew having my truck
i talked in a previous post about my nephew having my truck http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/s...d.php?t=272082 . well it's been since christmas and he still has it. it's not pheasable to fix his car and i've done everything i can to talk him out of it. today he called me and asked me if i would sell it to him, he's grown quite attached. took me by surprise. i talked with my son and he wants him to have it. i have a 50 model 3100 too that my son is more attached to and i could do the cool suspension thing on it too and let him have it. i'm torn because i love the 72, but want my nephew to have it at the same time. i'm sure i could get it back in the future, and now would be a good time for a little extra cash and less insurance. any thoughts?
1972 Chevrolet Highlander SWB
1972 Custom Deluxe 3/4 2WD 60k miles
these trucks don't need vacuum gauges cause they don't suck!
two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights do make a left
all i want is a little more than i'll ever get
it's better to be judged by 12 than to be carried by 6