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Old 07-01-2008, 08:06 PM   #1
Texas Big Wig
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What rear setup ???

ok guys, Im having a hard time filtering through all the different set ups I could run on the rear of my 77

It was no big deal on my 67, as all I really had to do was swap the springs for bags, but beings how the 77 is a leaf sprung truck I just dont really know what set up to run

Parallel 4, triangulated 4, canti setup, watts link, panhard bar... What I just dont know

So I guess, give me your input on which rear set up works best or the advantages & disadvantages of each

I want to roll LOW, I doubt I have anything bigger than 18's on it, but I do like some rubber around my wheels
Also not a big fan of notches & will either Z, Back half, or build a new frame for it

Travel isnt the biggest importance either, I would rather it ride SMOOTH
So I guess I also would like to know about bag positions, & what would give the best of both worlds

And while on the subject of bags, I really dont know which ones to run on it
I really dont have any plans of hauling anything, but I may throw a 4-wheeler in the bed
I have a pair of RE-7's & a pair of F-9000's & really dont know which would be better for this aplication

Now after all that, Im gonna be picky bout what info I take in
Im not gonna buy anybodys kit or bolt on thing, so dont tell me to go buy so N so's whatever

Not looking for any over stuffed opinions either, just what you have done & what you would do different

Sorry if I come across a lil rude or too picky, just dont want a big debate going on in my thread
Just not low enough...


Last edited by Spray-Bomb; 07-01-2008 at 08:07 PM.
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