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Old 02-06-2003, 06:48 PM   #6
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aawww ggeee, thanks Eddie.

Alot of times people who are in this hobby turn it into a business and lose touch of the hobby side. I had the bezel just sitting on the shelf collecting dust, you mentioned you needed one, so since mine was doing no good I gave it to you. I could have easily tried to sell it on E-bay, but since I consider you a friend why not try and help you out. Now I can see if it were a box, cab, or doors...something actally worth money it would be a different story. I am a firm believer what goes around comes around, if you are nice to people they will be nice back. Glad I could help out a fellow enthuisast, that is why I like this place!

Now on a different note...can anyone find me a non-AC 81+ bezel? it doesn't matter how clean the painted chrome is, I just need a straight bezel so I can "hallow" out the upper half where the gauges go beacuse i am putting Autometers up there with an aluminum insert.

Any leads would be appreciated...dash pad too!

Thanks - Jeff
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