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Old 10-11-2005, 04:19 PM   #139
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there are good people out there

I recently answered a post on the board for someone giving away 2 front hubs that were complete... drums, spindles, brakes, etc. He said if I could use them he would give them to me. I definitely needed the spindles so I went by his place to get them. Everything was as he said they were complete and in excellent shape. This guy had changed his over to disc so he just didn't need them anymore. While I was there he mentioned he had some other parts but he would try to sell them. One of the parts was a spare tire carrier that was in excellent shape with all the hardward. I asked what he wanted for it and he said he would take $20. Needless to say I left with that as well.

I just want to let everyone know there still are good people out there. Like I said I've met Blanton and wasn't really impressed with what he had to sell. But my experience with this gentlemen brought home once again that there are more good people out there than bad.
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