Thread: Fuel venting?
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Old 02-07-2003, 01:37 AM   #4
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Just took a quick peek at the wifes van (2001 olds). The vents are on the top of the filler inside the cap. The plastic housing is what catches excess and dumps it on the ground behind the fender. Are you sure your vent line is not kinked? I'm sure you guys have the venting fuel pumps (suck the air as they pump the fuel) that equalize the pressure as you pump. It doesn't make sense unless the vent line is not large enough. My '97 chevy has the exact same filler neck.

'68 C-10 LWB, '98 Z-71 350 w/accessories (Serpentine), Edelbrock Performer, Edelbrock 1405 (600cfm) carb, GM HEI, CompCam Extreme 4x4 roller cam, Thorley Headers, Carter Electric Fuel Pump, Vintage Air, 700r4, 3.73, disc brakes and power steering upgrades.
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