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Old 07-06-2008, 10:47 AM   #3
I have a radical idea!
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Sweet Home Alabama!
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Re: Aftermarket parts BLOW !!

Unfortunately, that seems to be the way it is on most things. The only decent aftermarket parts that I've never heard muchg bad about is the bedsides, which shocking considering the size of them. Most of the doors, fenders, hoods, and tailgates I've seen suck. I have 9 parts trucks, and I have had people get mad at me because I won't sell any rust-free panels (unless I have several). The only thing I plan on using aftermarket for my '69 C-10 build is interior stuff, grill, bumpers and trim - mainly because of the lack of good used stuff and the cost of NOS.
'67 C-30 Dually Pickup 6.2 Turbo Diesel, NP435
‘72 C-10 SWB , 350 4bbl, TH350
'69 C-10 SWB , 250 L6, 3 OTT
'69 GMC C3500, dump truck, 351 V6, NP435
'84 M1009 CUCV Military Blazer

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